Course Syllabus

Instructor: Dave Flory, 3101 Agronomy Bldg

Objective: This course will introduce you to synoptic meteorology and prepare you to obtain, analyze and interpret weather data from surface, upper air and satellite data to a degree sufficient to make reasonably accurate forecasts, and assist others in their forecasting. This is the primary course in which you are trained in the coding of weather data, and therefore several weeks will be spent on this rather tedious but important subject. More emphasis, however, will be given to the tools used to forecast the weather.

Class Meetings: M (12-1 lecture), T (2:00-5:00 lab)

  • Week 1: General synoptic terminology, introduction to ISU weather lab
  • Week 2: Surface and upper air data coding/plotting
  • Week 3: Weather map analysis
  • Week 4: Vertical structure of the atmosphere/skew-T analysis
  • Week 5: Basic Norwegian cyclone model theory
  • Week 6: General circulation, air masses, fronts, jets
  • Week 7: Synoptic Climatology
  • Week 8: Use of satellite and radar data in meteorology
  • Week 9: Important meteorological (primitive) equations, numerical techniques
  • Week 10: Numerical Weather Prediction (MOS/FOUS)
  • Week 11: Kinematics of the wind field
  • Week 12: Balanced wind approximations - geostrophic and gradient winds
  • Week 13: Thickness, hypsometric equation, thermal wind
  • Week 14: Case studies and practical forecasting rules

    Grading: Weekly Lab Exercises (50%), Midterm (20%), Final Exam (25%), special exercises/contest (5%)