Week 2 - Cold-air damming and Lake-Effect Snow
Both are two major mesoscale wintertime events
Lake Effect Snow
A major forecasting concern downwind of the U.S. Great Lakes, and the Great Salt Lake
Great COMET Tutorial on lake effect snow
Radar example from powerful single-lake band
Radar example from multiple bands
Satellite example of L.E.
Ongoing BUF-NWS LES study
Cold Air Damming
A forecasting concern to the lee of the Appalachians and Rockies
COMET module on Cold Air Damming
Surface map from March 1976 cold air damming event
500 mb map from March 1976 cold air damming event (12z)
Surface map (Eta prediction) showing cold air damming signature
Surface temperatures showing cold air damming signature
850 mb map during cold air damming event
500 mb map during cold air damming event
Extreme frz rain/sleet sounding showing v. shallow low-level arctic air
Lab 2 2008 maps
MSLP, thickness, winds
850 mb map of T and Z
700 mb map of T and Z
500 mb map of T and vort